Compliance with following International Standards:
ASTM D6371, IP 309, IS 1448 Part 110
Used for Determination of the cold filter plugging point (CFPP) temperature of diesel and domestic heating fuels by measuring the temperature at which the sample ceases to flow through a wire mesh filter.
Summary of test method:
A specimen of the sample is cooled under specified conditions and, at intervals of 1°C, is drawn into a pipet under a controlled vacuum through a standardized wire mesh filter. The procedure is repeated, as the specimen continues to cool, for each 1°C below the first test temperature. Testing is continued until the amount of wax crystals that have separated out of solution is sufficient to stop or slow down the flow so that the time taken to fill the pipette exceeds 60 s or the fuel fails to return completely to the test jar before the fuel has cooled by a further 1°C.
Compliance with following International Standards:
The complete assembly consists of following main parts and accessories to conduct the test.
Cooling Bath:
1. Double walled water-bath with inlet provision
2. Rectangular shape
3. Outer body fabricated from Mild Steel material - Powder coated in attractive shades
4. Floor Model, equipped with heavy duty castor wheels for easy movements.
5. Inner chamber fabricated from mirror polished Stainless Steel material - 304 Grade
6. Heavy "PUF" insulation between inner chamber and exterior body to prevent thermal loss.
7. Capable enough to maintain bath temperature at various temperature ranges till -80 °C ± 0.2 °C
8. Bath section is fitted with efficient temperature sensor PT-100 for accurate reading of chamber temperature
9. Temperature is controlled by Microprocessor based dual display digital PID Temperature indicator cum controller
10. Cooling bath is equipped with 4 different test holes, 4 test cylinders and Bakelite cover plates for conducting experiment on different test samples at the same time.
11. Entire Unit can accommodate 4 test positions - 4 test Jars
12. Supplied with over temperature protection safety cut-off system
13. Unit is also equipped with a well-balanced CFC-free cascade refrigeration system, which helps to achieve below ambient temperature with ease.
14. Air cooled refrigeration system consisting of hermetic sealed ‘Emersion’ make compressors, specially designed condenser, capacitor run self-cooled fan motor assembly, cooling coils, Donfoss make dryer and oil separator, capillary and CFC-free refrigerant.
15. The refrigeration system is housed in the same enclosure as that of working chamber.
16. Temperature range: -80 °C to ambient temperature
17. Temperature control accuracy: ± 0.2°C
18. Temperature display: LED
19. Refrigeration system: "EMERSON Make"
20. Refrigerant type: CFC Free
Test Jars:
Cylindrical of Borosilicate glass, Flat bottom with 120 ± 5 mm height. The inside diameter of test jar is of 31.5 ± 0.5 mm within constraint that the wall thickness be no greater than 1.3mm. The jar has a permanent mark at the 45 ± 1 mL level.
(2.5mm thick) - water tight, cylindrical, metal flat bottom 115 ± 3mm depth with inside diameter of 45mm and outside diameter of 48 mm. It will be supported in a vertical position in the cooling bath, so that not more than 25mm projects out of the medium and will be capable of being cleaned.
Insulating rings:
Made from oil-resistant plastics or other suitable material, to be placed in the bottom of the jacket to provide insulation for the bottom of the test jar. It fits closely inside the jacket and have a thickness of 6 ± 0.3 mm.
Spacer rings:
Approximately 5-mm thick, made of oil-resistant plastics or other suitable material, to be placed around the test jar to provide insulation for the test jar from the sides of the jacket. The spacers shall fit closely to the test jar and closely inside the jacket.
Supporting ring:
Supporting rings of oil resistant plastics or other suitable non-metallic, non-absorbent, oil-resistant material, used to suspend the jacket in a stable and upright position in the cooling bath and to provide a concentric location for the stopper.
IP 1C and IP 2C (02 Nos) JRM make thermometers will be provided with certificate from NABL certified lab.
Silicon Corks:
Silicon corks to fit the Test Jar, bored centrally for test thermometer and Pipette.
Stop watch:
Stopwatch calibrated by NABL certified lab.
Pipette with Filter unit:
Pipette of clear glass with a calibration mark corresponding to a contained volume of 20 ± 0.2 mL at a point 149 ± 0.5 mm from the bottom of the Pipette. It will be connected to the filter unit. Body of Filter unit will be of Brass material and will be supplied along with 32 μm, wire mesh filters, brass screw cap, filter holder and brass cylinder.
Vacuum device:
Complete with pressure equalizing vessel, U-tube manometer, three-way cock and electric Vacuum Pump supplied.