Humidity Chamber

Humidity Chamber


Humidity Chamber :

Construction Details

    1.Double wall construction

    2.Fulfills storage conditions of 25° C – 60% RH, 40° C – 75% RH, 30° C – 65% RH, 25° C – 40% RH, 30° C – 35% RH

    3.Interior fabricated from high grade stainless steel (S.S.304).Minaral polish

    4.Exterior body made of Mild steel material – which is duly powder coated in attractive shades

    5.Full size polycarbonate sheet inner door to inspect samples without affecting the control parameters.

    6.Electrical wiring as per CE Compliances

    7.Chamber illumination is accomplished by Fluorescent light with door switch.

    8.Cord wire duly tested and inspected with stress factor as per CE standard

    9.Standard motor of reputed companies for chamber blower

    10.User friendly and tactfully designed chamber door and locking mechanism

    11.Aesthetic outer appearance and high quality

    12.Unit mounted on castor wheels for easy movement.

Humidity Chamber :

Construction Details

    1.Double wall construction

    2.Fulfills storage conditions of 25° C – 60% RH, 40° C – 75% RH, 30° C – 65% RH, 25° C – 40% RH, 30° C – 35% RH

    3.Interior fabricated from high grade stainless steel (S.S.304).Minaral polish

    4.Exterior body made of Mild steel material – which is duly powder coated in attractive shades

    5.Full size polycarbonate sheet inner door to inspect samples without affecting the control parameters.

    6.Electrical wiring as per CE Compliances

    7.Chamber illumination is accomplished by Fluorescent light with door switch.

    8.Cord wire duly tested and inspected with stress factor as per CE standard

    9.Standard motor of reputed companies for chamber blower

    10.User friendly and tactfully designed chamber door and locking mechanism

    11.Aesthetic outer appearance and high quality

    12.Unit mounted on castor wheels for easy movement.

Chamber size As per order
Volume of the chamber As per order
As per order As per order
Temperature Range 10 °C to 70 °C
Temperature Accuracy ± 0.5 °C or better
Humidity Range 40 % RH to 95 % RH
Humidity Accuracy ± 3 % RH
Controller Microprocessor based Auto-tune PID Digital temperature & Rh indicator cum controller