Oil Bath High Temp (Reversion Oil Bath)

Oil Bath High Temp (Reversion Oil Bath)

Specifications Digital Temperature Controller
Chamber Size 24”X 20”X 20”
Material of Construction Inside : Stainless Steel-304
- Outside : M.S Powder coating
Controller Digital Temperature Controller cum indicator with dual display with soak time.
Accuracy 1 C or better.
Resolution 0.1C
Insulation Glass Wool Insulation
Heater HEATER : 3 KW X2 NOS =06 KW
Control Panel Switch of Mains, Stirrer, Permanent Heater and/td>
- Digital Temperature Controller.
Standard Supply Stirrer with FHP Motor. Sample carrying tray with handle.
Power Supply 440 V, Three Phase, A.C.
TEMP Ambient +5 C TO 200C