Metallurgical Microscopic Specimens

Metallurgical Microscopic Specimens


Metallurgical Microscopic Specimens

STANDARD SAMPLES of Metallurgical Microstructure A Set consists of 23 standard samples which covers the entire ranges i.e. Sample Title No.

The Image Analysis system comprising of the followings:

  1. Dead Mild Steel
  2. Low Carbon Steel
  3. Medium Carbon Steel (Annealing)
  4. Medium Carbon Steel (Normalizing)
  5. Decarburised High Carbon Steel
  6. Inclusion in Steel
  7. Hardened Steel
  8. Tempered Steel
  9. Carburised Steel
  10. Tool Steel
  11. Gray Cast Iron
  12. White Case Iron
  13. Mottled Cast Iron
  14. Ductile Cast Iron
  15. Cartrid Brass
  16. Munrz Metal
  17. Tin Bronze
  18. Electroplated Component
  19. Anodised Aluminium
  20. Fusion Welded Mild Steel
  21. Friction Welded Steel
  22. Power Metallurgy Component
  23. Deformed Mild Steel

Complete information including chemical composition, mechanical treatment, detail of heat treatment, type, of Etchant with description of Microstructure along with their coloured photographs are provided in a booklet.

This sets are supplied in a wooden strong box with silica gel.