Plate Bearing Test Apparatus

Plate Bearing Test Apparatus


Plate Bearing Test Apparatus :

Introduction :

Consist of the following.

  • Hand operated Hydraulic jack with pressure gauge capacity 50 tonne with 5 meter long metal tube with end coupling – 1 No.
  • Ball and Socket arrangtement, consisting of two steel plate with one steel ball in between them.- 1 Set.
  • Extension rod, 12 mm dia X 25 mm long for taking dial gauge reading. – 16 Nos.
  • Magnetic base with female thread on top for holding extension rod. – 4 Nos.
  • Top end plate, 50 mm dia male thread for fitting on the extension rod. – 4 Nos.
  • Column 15 cm dia x 50 cm long with flanges complete with four bolts and nuts. 1 Nos.
  • Column 15 cms dia and 50 cms long with flanges complete with 4 bolts & nuts 1 No.
  • Datum bar, light weight, portable, total span 5 meter, height approx 30cms mounted on two removable legs, made of 2 parts – 1 No.

Complete as above.